You (you or the “Customer”) agree to purchase certain services or products from Majesty International Travel Inc. (we, us, “Maiti”, or the “Company”), subject to the following conditions:

1) 出發前14天內取消訂位,所繳費用包括行程內全部入埸費、膳食及住宿酒店,恕不退還;出發前15-29天取消訂位, 每人扣除團費50%;30天前取消訂位,每人扣除手續費CAD$35.00。

Refund Policy: Subject to the conditions as outlined below in this section and in section 2, if the trip reservation is cancelled within 14 calendar days of departure day of a trip, the Customer’s entire payment for that trip is non-refundable; if the trip reservation is cancelled 15 to 29 calendar days prior to departure day of the trip, 50% of the Customer’s payment for that trip is non-refundable; if the trip reservation is cancelled 30 calendar days or more prior to departure day of the trip, the Customer will receive a refund that equals the payment for the trip minus an administrative charge of $35.00 per person included in the trip reservation.

To be eligible for a refund (if any), the Customer must contact us through by phone or in-person during our business hours requesting a cancellation and receive written or email confirmation from us acknowledging such request. The day when we issue a written or email confirmation of cancellation to the Customer is considered as the day when the Customer’s trip reservation is cancelled.

In the event the Customer attempts to contact us during a holiday or outside our business hours, such Customer’s cancellation request may not be processed until the next business day. There is no guarantee that a cancellation request is processed and a cancellation is confirmed the same day it is received.

2) 火車行程、升等酒店以及自費活動(水上飛機、出海觀鯨、太空針塔、波音工廠、Amtrak火車等)確認後不可更改,取消不作任何退款。

After the confirmation of the train schedules, accommodation and optional activities, including but not limited to seaplane, whale watching, Seattle space needle, Boeing factory, Amtrak train, the activities cannot be adjusted or cancelled and the fees used to pay for such activities cannot be refunded.

3) 酒店房間以一張或兩張床為準,每房只可容納最多四人入住。房間內不准吸煙,否則罰款自負。

Hotel Accommodation: All hotel rooms are equipped with private bathroom, have one or two double beds, and are non-smoking.

4) 為公平起見,導遊將每天更換座位編排一次。

Seating will be rotated daily.

5) 團友須準時到達指定集合地點,若因逾時或其他個人理由而不能成行,則作自動放棄,所繳費用一概不獲退還。

You agree to be present at the pick-up location on-time as indicated in the itinerary. If you are late or do not show up, you are assumed to have voluntarily withdrawn from the trip and will not be issued any refund.

6) 行程中如發生意外以引致傷亡或其他損失, 當根據各營運機構所訂之例作為解決依據, 概與本公司無涉。

Subject to the operating corporations’ insurance terms & conditions for any injury caused by an accident during the tour, we are not responsible for any injury liability caused by accident.

7) 如遇上特殊情況,如惡劣天氣, 交通事故等,本公司保留更改或取消行程權利,團友不得異議。

Itineraries are subject to change or cancellation at any time due to any unforeseen conditions, including but not limited to, adverse weather, traffic problem, etc.

8) 本公司提議各團友購買旅遊保險,以確保個人利益。

We highly recommend all customers to purchase travel insurance and speak with a insurance advisor or professional to explore insurance options. We do not provide any insurance advice.

9) 如人數不足以成團,本公司將於出發前7天退還所付全部團費及不會作進一步賠償。

We reserve the right to cancel a tour seven days prior to the day of departure due to lack of participants.

10) 本公司有權更改酒店及行程次序,不作通知。

Hotel and trip itineraries are subject to change without notice to the customer.

11) 本公司當盡可能使舉辦之一切行程節目依照章程內完成。若遇特殊情況,如天氣,罷工,路況,壞車,證件遺失及當地酒店 突告客滿等,而導致旅行團之全部或部份行程有所延遲,更改或取消,而非本公司能力範圍所能控制時,本公司概不負責任何賠償,但本公司將盡力提供與行程表所列類似或同級酒店及其他有關服務。如因行程改變而導致費用增加,參加者須自行繳交 額外之費用。

We shall follow the planned itinerary on a reasonable efforts basis. In the event of unforeseen circumstances that is out of our control, including but not limited to adverse weather conditions, strikes or labour issues, adverse road conditions, malfunctioning transport, loss of identification or passport, refusal of guests by hotel or accommodation facilities, and force majeure, the Company can, at its sole discretion, cancel trip bookings and/or change the trip itineraries without issuing any refund to the Customer. In the event of such cancellation, the Company may, acting reasonably, offer or provide substitute trip option(s) to the Customer with similar type(s) of itinerary and accommodation. If there is additional charges due to such substitute option(s), the Customer shall be responsible any additional charges.